Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maiden Post

Hello, all!

Here is the first post on my new blog.  Wow!  I have a few things I want to focus on here and would love to hear any suggestions you may have. 

As I stated in my profile, I have a few passions that include scrapping, fashion, reading, ghosts (!), and HGTV.  I also have two boys and a Lab and they are excellent fodder for daily stories.  I have been watching my eating and working out A LOT since last August and am proud to say that I am down 18 pounds with 15 more to go.   With that said, I love sharing meals that make me happy without over doing my caloric intake and as of last Monday I started training for a 10k run (and I mean RUN! not walk briskly!) in October.  I should probably post about my Monday training--little gross, highly entertaining....

I am also in the process to be hired as a faculty member at the University of Phoenix--there are some good stories right there that might get a chuckle or two and I still have three classes to take and my first session to teach before I'm actually hired!  Great googly moogly!

So--thank you for stopping, please help me break the imagined bottle of champagne against Crabby Aby, my laptop, and let's begin, shall we?

Now.  How do I load pictures and all that other cool stuff that makes a blog interesting.....

:D  Have a relaxing Wednesday night and please drop me a line!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Totally impressed! You are awesome!