Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kitty and her Great Expectations

Okay--here's Alex at the waterfalls on our walk this morning.  I think they fenced it off because they'd heard of Elliott.....  We left at 7:30 AM because it was already 62' and just gonna get hotter.  Blah.  We did well on time, though--3.75 miles at a 4 MPH walk and that included stopping to look at turtles and ducks.

First, this isn't as high quality as the others only because my cell phone was having issues sending it so I just went for easy.  In any case--along the opposite shore, on the left in the break between the two lines of green grasses, there is a black and white kitty.  She's pretty young--maybe six months?--but she already has Great Expectations.  A quarter of the way in from the right are a couple of ducks (there were actually five, but they're hard to pick out with this size picutre).  When I started floundering for my phone, the four babies were just out from Kitty and Kitty was wondering just how she could pull off catching one of them for her breakfast.  Alas, the human is too slow so you just get the after effects instead of the actual image but use your imagination and you'll get there.  :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did I tell you I am so glad the comments work again. And so much easier this way! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Where's the dead duck?

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll just keep posting.

Anonymous said...

Because I can!

Anonymous said...

Post post post post POST!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aren't you hot? I see it's 93' there. ;o)

Melanie said...

Does your boss know what you're doing? Better not ever tell her about my blog!!! }:)

Dead duck? Did ya HAVE to go there? Poor little thing floating with the current, head all bent backwards, decaying, messing up the water.... Sheesh. Some people..... }:)

Anonymous said... didn't have to give me the gory details. A picture would've been sufficient...