Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dog Coffee Anyone?

Oh, boy....  It's gonna be a looooooong day....

This is what happens when you wake your brain before it's ready.  Have to run da Husband's bike to da In-laws' this morning before getting my nails done at noon with the hopes of getting all my running around done so I can get the rest of my chores done before bed....  It's gonna be a race to the finish line!


Anonymous said...

That's just a little bit disturbing...

Melanie said...

I had two scoops in before I realized what I was doing....

At least I didn't run water through it....

Kim said...

I'm really proud of you for admitting it. I surprized it has happened sooner. It's because you are the only female in the house.

Melanie said...

}:) EXACTLY!!!!!