Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Run (what happened to Monday?)

So. Elliott was having issues during our run this morning. 
I think he was just irritated that we started at the crack of dark.... 

I jolted awake at 6:30 and immediately checked the temp--64'!!!!  ALREADY!!!!
We were out the door by 6:48 and on the trail, leaving Da Boys asleep on the futon....
We were out before the turtles were even awake--saw three mamas and their now as-big-as-they-are duckies but that was about it. 
Elliott made about 18 pitstops in 2.25 miles....
I am afraid to see what running is going to be like without my little Elliott Pit Stop Breaks.... 
Might not make it a full mile....

And while we're complaining....
I started ruining my Gelish manicure last Tuesday or so when I used a Magic Eraser on a pan and forgot to use gloves.
Sunday was a BAD day for the ol' nails when I washed Da Husband's car for Father's Day--Alex helped for a bit but Dev had issues.... Whatever.  Broke two or three nails (I lost track).  Went ahead and washed Bertie yesterday morning after our walk because--well, what the heck, right?  Might as well get ALL my nails trashed before my manicure Wednesday, right?  Lost another nail....

And more complaining!!!!  I go in next Monday for Gall Bladder Erradication Maneuvers so for the week prior to the fun I cannot take any aspirin-containing pain meds (nor a whole list of others).  So--in my life that means no Excederin for migraines.  So what have I been battling since yesterday?  Migraines and headaches!!!  GAH!!!!  And you can only have so many Venti Fraps before the diet starts to get affected.... I seriously believe this week is going to involve more pain than next week....

What helps with the whole misery?


(you can all just kiss off into the sun... etc.)

(please do not go, please please please do not go, etc.)

(Why can't I get...  Well.... This is a PG blog, better keep it that way....)


Anonymous said...

Oh...quit your whining about the heat. It's good incentive to get up and get the day rolling!

Anonymous said...

Just roll with it....