Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Splendid Morning for a walk, I mean, RUN!

Here they are!!!!  One mama and her duckies!!  If you click  on the picture (I just found this out yesterday) you can see it bigger and with more detail!  She was swimming with another mama but that shoot (below) didn't turn out as well as they were further away.  ***I just found out that if you click on the picture then enlarge your screen (I changed mine from 100% to 200%) you can really see them!!

And, I'm proud to report, this was the SECOND day that I RAN 2.25 miles!!!!  I'm very proud--furthest I've run EVer....  EVER!!!!

All right.  Now I have to go study for class Friday night and clean and such.  First I think I better call for some oxygen.....  Or a margarita....

Definitely a margarita....

Can you see both mamas and their gross of duckies? There must be two dozen between the two mamas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoop Whoop! You are a runner!